Malayalam actor Prithviraj was recently seen in the role of a young film director in Viji's Tamil film Vellithirai (remake of Malayalam film Udhayanaanu Thaaram) and Renjith's Malayalam film Thirakkatha. Vellithirai was a decent success in Kollywood, while Thirakkatha has become a blockbuster in Kerala. Now, it seems that Prithviraj will reprise a similar role in yet another forthcoming Malayalam movie titled The Reel.
After Katha, which was sadly never released, Prithviraj is all set to team up with director Sundardas in The Reel, scripted by Reji Nair of Pattalam and Oruvan. Reports insist is bilingual will have only seven characters, featuring stars from Mollywood and Kollywood. Prithviraj will appear as a film director named Renjith. Prithviraj, who had earlier expressed his ambition of becoming a film director in future, should be overjoyed to don a director's role for the third time. The other cast and crew are yet to be finalized.
Prithviraj, who always has a busy schedule, is currently shooting for ace director Mani Ratnam’s Ravana and director Mahesh’s Calendar. Shortly, he will join the sets of Punyaham at Ottappalam, directed by Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai's grandson Raj Nair. After Punyaham, he will report on the sets of Puthiya Mukham, directed by Deepan.
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