Gowry Munjal who became famous through the Allu Arjun movie ‘Bunny’ is foraying into Mollywood. She will have a proud opening in Malayalam, as the heroine to Mammootty in the new movie that is in the sets ‘Palery Maanikyam. The super star is playing twin roles, including that of a CBI Officer in this period thriller directed by Renjith. Apart from Mammootty and Gowry, all others in the cast are relatively new faces, who has been selected after big screening sessions. Gowry, who is looking forward to more meaningful movies in Mollywood, had been the heroine to Shivarajkumar and Ajay in films like ‘Gandana Mane’ and ‘Jaaji Mallige’.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
"Gowry Munjal" is Mammooty's Heroine
Posted by Lewin & Newin at 12:43 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Mammotty in"Pramaani"
Scriptwriter turned director B Unnikrishann had been lucky enough to convert all his movies to safe earners. While his Suresh Gopi flicks like ‘Smart City’ and the recent ‘IG’ managed with average collections, his Mohanlal movie ‘Madambi’ was one of the biggest hits of last year. Anyhow, B Unnikrishann is now getting ready to start the works on his first movie with Mammootty. This project, which will be the fourth movie from the director is titled as ‘Pramaani’. Mammootty will appear as a corrupt Panchayath president Raghavapanikkar in this movie. Planned to start its shoot by the end of this year, the movie will also feature Suraaj Venjaaramodu, Jagathy, Nedumudi and Salimkumar.
Expected to get completed in a single schedule, this movie will get into theatres by March, 2010.
Posted by Lewin & Newin at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jagathy SreeKumar, Mammootty, Nedumudi Venu, Salim Kumar, SurajVenjarmodu